More to know about the FILES.FM LIBRARY ICO REVIEW Library is an enormous project with the desire to create a community-powered library where everyone can upload their files and share them with public for free or for compensation - depending on the type of file and users’ wishes. is now working on semi-decentralized peer-to-peer solutions for data storage, sharing and analysing as well as fog-computing. The Library will focus heavily on creating and maintaining a community of volunteers, who would upload, tag and oversee useful files and who in return would be rewarded with FFM tokens. In other to enhance maximum security Exhanges install 2FA authenticator, imagine you lose that, you might as well lose your assets with it. Moreover, many of us do make use of USB drive to store our Important files but it can't be stored forever, therefore, FILES.FM is here with the best solutions by providing a library which is a peer2peer file-catalog coupled with a crypto-market space furnished with smart search tool...