Know more about the new development in ubiatarplay technology in ico

The technology has stepped develop day by day, and the researchs will bring a lot of magic things. They can now see what happens in a remote corner of the world, and they’ll all see for ourselves. A wonderful Mobile App — UbiatarPlay!
About Ubiatar Play
Ubiatar is the only project offering a viable and a real solution to the ancient dream of manking: having the power of ubiquity, orinstant transfer to any place.
The starting point is a normal smartphone held by a local individual (The Avatar); everything that is seen and heard by the Avatar is sent over the network to the Person at home (Usar) that in turn directs the Avatar so that they act them remote body.
The directions are given with a revolutionary GUI (Graphical User Interface) superimposed over the live video stream.
The wider the network of users, the more we can get to you without leaving home. Everyone can be an avatar and a customer.
The platform
The Ubiatar network is a peer-to-peer cloud-based, autoscaling, cutting-edge system based on Amazon Web Services data centers. Amazon is one of the biggest and most reliable provider of cloud computing power with worldwide data centers that are the same supporting the Amazon business operations. Uninterruptible, reliable and potentially without processing power limits, this system is the perfect choice for a service that must support and coordinate millions of users all over the world, exchanging low-latency high-quality audio and video streams, even if in a peer-to-peer fashion.
The corporate platform Ubiatar is already developed and available in all application stores.
 A native application for iOS, version 2.1, is already available for download in the app store.
 Also, the application works with all major operating systems, such as Windows, Linux, Mac OS. The application does not even need to be installed. It easily runs on the computer, and opens the possibility of teleport to anywhere in the world.
Token Information
Blockchain not only is disrupting the way we distribute value, but it is changing the way companies are funded. Crowdfunding with intermediaries and centralized platforms is slow and expensive, and less efcient too. The ubiatar coins are a service Token that are the only mean to access the UbiatarPlay marketplace and are instrumental to each exchange of value between all peers on the platform.
At the same time, the Ubiatar Token has a value that under usual market conditions will increase thanks to the network efect and the exclusive use for any exchange of value on the marketplace; also for the special advantages for those that will hold a signifcant amount on their wallets.
The UbiatarPlay Token Distribution:
Presale: 30%
Team: 10%
Crowsdsale: 35%
Growth, Betting Reserve: 25%
The Roadmap
Ubiatar technology development and worldwide distribution (2017):
This step has already occurred. The ubiatar platform and technology are available; at this moment the current online production version is 2.14 The mobile apps for Apple iOS products and Android devices are publicly available on the relevant marketplaces.
ICO (first quarter 2018):
Crowdfunding activity to collect resource to develop the marketplace from the technological and commercial point of view and for the following steps. The resources collected will be used for software development, blockchain creation and extensive promotion to grow the Marketplace user base.
Marketplace platform development (second quarter 2018):
Software development for the marketplace services: list of users, social network-like user pages with images, world map location and description of services ofered and limitation to operations that can be performed. Ranking System development and integration. The marketplace has been presented at the Las Vegas CES 2018
Wallet and ubiatar card (second quarter 2018):
They want to give to the users of the Marketplace the option to store value with crypto currencies directly into the ubiatar app and use them when they need, even in the real world with standard debit cards.
Human Empowerment Network (third quarter 2018):
Start of the marketplace with advertising and special events to spread the knowledge of this new platform. They expect the start of substantial revenues from this phase, with a large part of them used for cash & burn to continuously grow the Ubiatar Token value.
UbiatarPlay Live Broadcast Worldwide’campaign (third quarter 2018):
A specifc investment into at least one thousand Avatars that will be paid directly from UbiatarPlay to broadcast live from the streets and interesting areas of the places where they live. Sponsors will be found to cover in part or in full the amounts of ubiatar coins that will be given to the working Avatars.
Narrative and creative cross-cultural contests (last quarter 2019):
To create awareness and involvement, UbiatarPlay will sponsor contests to publish the most interesting narrative works based on ubiatar technology stories. UbiatarPlay will also support cultural exchanges the world over, using its telepresence technologies over the HumanEmpowermentNetwork.
Partnerships and structures for large Avatar Ecommerce Services (first quarter 2019):
A subsequent important step is to develop a pervasive Avatar Ecommerce Services system, to enter this very lucrative world now exclusive of platform like Amazon. By leveraging the Avatars base we will be ofering powerful option to buy item wherever in the world, directly from the shops while-you-watch, and have them delivered directly to controlling Usars. It will be presented at the Las Vegas CES 2019.
About Teamleader
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